As storytellers, we have the opportunity to breathe life into the traditions of our past and pave the way for the future with empathy, radical inclusion, and joy.
I aspire to share stories in a manner that can be healing to others, honorable to traditions and provide perspectives for unheard voices to feel included. The way I approach work comes from a pursuit of truth, community and a deep commitment to storytelling. As a storyteller, I look for ways to work with stories to facilitate authentic and collaborative community-building exercises. I’m deeply interested in the connection between rural-urban-international, transdisciplinary art practice and music as collaborative story-building. My research has been rooted in stories of Appalachia, Ireland, community autonomy and healing, and the radical re-imagining of folklore of a place as a catalyst for social change. I currently sit on the board of the Kentucky Storytelling Association and host workshops on “Living Stories”, “Tell Your Personal Story” and “Devised Theater Methods through a 3-Pillar Story-crafting process”.