My strength lies in public programming and program development in non-profit community-based arts organizations. I hold two degrees from Western Kentucky University in Theatre and Community-Based Arts Development. I also hold a master's degree in Arts Management and Cultural Policy from Pratt Institute, where my capstone thesis combined body movement, gesture, and communication theory to build a community-based education framework for non-traditional leaders to use body language to decipher and build better communication across cultural barriers.
My community work has been mainly forging connections with grassroots initiatives and artistic exploration and connection building. In my artistic life, I combine my interest in body movement, story and folklore with music and theater to explore memory, trauma, and identity as the things we carry and tools for transforming both our rural and urban communities and bridging the gaps between the two. In 2018, Amy Brooks and I co-founded the Cardinal Cross Arts Collective to create a platform to explore these aspects, specifically around Appalachian Identity through music, theater, and mixed media, through this endeavor we were able to create an open forum of conversation between urban and rural artmakers, and though this endeavor has closed, the conversations curated have remained open and a deeply rooted part of my work. I have over 6 years of experience in artistic producing, community organizing, strategic planning, and public programming. I serve on three boards where I provide community consult for strategic planning, programming and artistic management. I have served as an advisor for the Rural Assembly's Rural Women's Summit, as a guest facilitator for the International Storytelling Center- teaching on community and collective identity, and have consulted with various NYC organizations on grant writing.